Right now, our family is in Ghana spending two weeks “on mission.” Our original reason for coming was to bring home our adopted son, but God has turned it into a family mission trip. Today we had the privilege of purchasing and delivering food to Christ Outreach for Feeding the Orphans. Christ …
3 Guys in Ghana with God - clever, right? Well, it's true. He called them to GO with Him and they went. They are praying over sick babies delivering food to hungry children (and having fun doing it!) loving on God's children and praying over the next steps for them and for Feeding the …
In Ghana
A few weeks ago God gave my husband a crazy idea..go to Ghana! It didn't make sense, but as he and 2 friends prayed it was obvious they were to go. That's exactly what they did. They went to love on orphans, feed them physically, but most important spiritually and to encourage the people on the …