I read this blog, 5 MILLION MINUS 1, tonight and I was so encouraged. And inspired. Inspired to do MORE. We have so much, they have so little. On the flip side, they have so much (JOY) and we have so little. Here's an Easter challenge! Let's LOVE THE ORPHANS. LET'S FEED THE …
My heart is hurting!
We need to step up! There are kids dying every five seconds from dirty water, malnutrition and no medicine. They have no one to love them! No one to be there when they are crying! They don't know who Jesus is! My heart is hurting tonight for the orphans. I want to be with them so bad! I love …
Kids Helping Kids
Everyone knows the backbone of this ministry. A child wanted to help another child. A child saw hungry children and wanted to fill that need. More and more of the children of the world are seeing the needs of other children. They want to step up and do SOMETHING. I pray more of us parents …