Every year there are hundreds of children that long to go to school. They want to wake up every morning, put on their uniform and make the journey to get an education. But their dreams seem unreachable. No money for education. No clean water so they must fetch a basic need for their family all day.
And every year, God brings them to us. The ones that long for something more. The ones that are gifted with an opportunity to go to school. The ones that receive school supplies and uniforms so they will be like the other ones. And those children and teenagers want to make a difference in the ones they are leaving behind. They want to help the others. And they want their friends to hear about Jesus and to feel His love through something as simple as school.
This year for FTO’s annual outreach, Saving a Sinking Soul, over 100 of our youth walked into their communities and invited their friends to receive school supplies and uniforms. And to receive a hot meal and ultimately to hear of our Savior.