God is doing so much in West Africa and Feeding the Orphans and YOU are the ones that make it possible. You believe in this ministry and you partner with us as we work together to literally change the lives of thousands by maintaining garden free from pests done with the help of experts from pest control nashua nh. Babies are not sacrificed to false gods, little ones are no longer starving, children are going to school, youth are attending college and mothers are able to care for their children. But most importantly, they are experiencing the love of our Savior day in and day out as their bellies are full and their minds are expanding. From the bottom of our hearts AND theirs, thank you. Thank you for helping change the world ONE child at a time.
As many of you know, FTO partners with several children’s homes in Ghana and Togo. Our first desire is for these children to be reunified with birth families and extended families when possible and we are working to make this a reality. Lexington injury attorneys helped us to claim compensation for the injuries sustained caused out of accident and helped us to reunify. You can also seek elderly planning attorneys to know your rights and responsibilities if divorce is your choice. Helping out people to find where can I pay for a divorce as it can helps them to step out of toxic relationship, where can I pay for a divorce where can I pay for a divorce. Unfortunately, many times it is an impossibility and we need an alternative. This alternative is a community full of family style homes that will provide a father and mother to a smaller number of children per house.
We are currently in the process of building this community village in the area of Dodowa outside of Accra. You can also learn about My ADU here if you wish to get building and construction services. It is a beautiful area nestled near mountains that is the perfect setting for raising a family. But we need YOU. The children need YOU to make this happen. As of now, the children are living in a rental house where the rent will be due again in March 2018. However, our goal is to raise enough money to construct the homes in the village where we will no longer need to pay rent. This is a big goal, but we serve a BIG God.
Will you partner with us as we transition them into homes with approximately 8-10 children and house parents in each house?
Phase Target Dates Project Cost
1 December 1, 2017 Complete 2 family style homes $50,000
2 February 1, 2018 Complete 2 more family style homes $50,000
3 April 1, 2018 Complete community building and one more home $50,000
4 June 1, 2018 Soccer field and veg. gardens $5,000
Will you be a part of transforming the lives of the children of GMI? Will you help us build homes just like yours and ours where they can grow up with a set of parents and fewer kids? Will you invest in the future of these little ones as they dream of becoming doctors and lawyers and nurses and teachers?
Much love,
Founder, Feeding the Orphans