Guest post: We are blessed to have Emily Fox using her gifts and abilities in writing for FTO.
Ask a mommy… “What’s something you love to do for your kids?” The answers, oh believe me, they will all be different.
She may grin and say… I love to write them a sweet note of encouragement. Maybe her eyes will widen with joy as she tells you how she loves to cook their favorite meal… recounting just exactly how her nearly grown son loves his mashed potatoes. She may stifle a laugh and admit she loves a “date-night” compete with fancy clothes, a fancy meal and a main dish of Dessert. The worn Mama with a baby on her hip will curl her lips to a smile and admit she allows her 4-year-old to skip quiet time so the two can finally play Princess while baby brother naps…
Love, devotion, adoration. They are our babies. God has allowed US to be their mother.
Right now working at FTO there are 5 single Mommies… look deep into their eyes and you will see they are mommies just like me, just like you or just like the moms in your life. Mommies who want to love deeply, live fully, hold nothing back, give their babies everything they need.
But life is hard… Life for them isn’t quite like life for the mommies we know. These mommies long to be able to provide for their babies, to feed them, clothe them, give them clean water to drink, and send them to school.
They are trying… Oh how they are trying… Trying so very hard. With guts, determination, sweat and tears these mommies are trying.
Single mommas, fierce and focused on their work for FTO. So thankful for this “job” that will enable them to provide. With your help they can be just that… A mommy, providing.
Will you help these mommies?
What better way to Honor the mother in your life than by gifting her the Honor of helping these mommies who are so desperately trying to help themselves…
This is our Mother’s Day request… Would you honor one mother and help another?
For every donation made to FTO in honor of a mother, now through Mother’s Day,
FTO will provide a card you can present as the gifts to the special Mother in your life. Each card comes with the inspiring story of one of our own FTO mommies. Each donation will help these mommies with start-up funds of $500/each for their work. This provides everything they need to get started.
If you would like to honor your mother this year by honoring one of the Ghana moms, please click the GIVING link and designate AS NEEDED: MOTHER’S DAY. We will then mail your card to you.
This year, will you Honor your Mother and Help another?
Isaiah 66:13 “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.