Last year so many of you participated with us in CHANGE FOR A CHANGE. You gathered your coins knowing they would become clean water.
Life. A chance for another person.
Remember this precious child standing beside his village’s drinking hole?
Life for him and all of his friends will look very differently now. YOU have helped give them clean water. YOU have helped give them life. You have helped give them The Living Water. Jesus.
Now they have joy. Pure joy that can only come from Him.
Join us in continuing to pray for the village of Paulkrom as this water well is the first step to introducing Jesus to them. Pray with us that He will raise up a body of believers in this area to follow hard after HIM. And to continue making an impact on this village, SHOP in our STORE. Each purchase provides food, water or medicine to a child in need. The Beebe family will be traveling back to Paulkrom to distribute parasite medicines and each purchase will help with that.
Once again, be reminded you have been His vessel. YOU have helped spread HIS word in the country of Ghana, Africa. Keep watching for updates of the other wells that will be drilled from the 2013 campaign!!
but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. – John 4:14