A few months ago we learned of a sibling group of four kids living in Ghana that desperately needed sponsors.
Their situation is a bit different, though, because they still live with their mother. She loves them and is trying to do all she can to provide for them. She has become more desperate over the last few weeks as she lost their home. With nowhere to live, she reached out for help. I cannot imagine the pain and agony she is feeling. We spoke at a church in Virginia and someone asked if they could sponsor 4 children. Immediately, I thought of this woman. “YES, WE HAVE THE PERFECT KIDS!”
This afternoon, I received an email from Ghana that the situation has worsened again for this precious mother. She is in dire need. As I walked through the house praying for what I can do, my husband walked in the door. He looked at Sydney and said, “You have a letter for Feeding the Orphans.”
As she handed it to me, I wept. I cried for joy at a God who loves us so much. He knows our every need. And He will supply that need even from a world away.
You see, we hadn’t received the first money for the kids yet UNTIL TODAY. The sponsor had no idea of the new situation, but he included an extra amount of money specifically for the mother. I am still crying. I just love what God does for His children.
Now this beautiful mother and her four children will stay together.
If you want to give life to one of these precious children OR support one of the moms, please contact us. All donations are tax deductible and 100% of the money goes straight to those in need.